Monday, October 6, 2008

Our Newest Client: Project Promise

Martin-Stewart is proud to represent Project Promise. On November 7-11, Project Promise will hold an online event to raise money for our wounded veterans. They will post letters and essays, video and audio clips, poems and posts on Veteran's Day and soldiers in tribute to the sacrifice of these American heroes.

Concerning this exceptional cause, any mention, promotion, or reference would be appreciated. Please submit your clips, essays, and stories.

Our Newest Client: Tom McClintock (CA-4)

Martin-Stewart is proud to represent Tom McClintock (CA-4). A State Senator and former Lieutenant Governor nominee, McClintock opposes Charlie Brown. Many outlets, including the Rothenberg Political Report, have listed their clash as a top twenty congressional contest.

While the race is stellar, another story exists. Candidate Brown, wearing a military uniform, attended a Code Pink anti-war rally. Callousness and hypocrisy of this magnitude warrants exposure. Enclosed is video.

Our Newest Client: Joel Dykstra (Senate-South Dakota)

Martin-Stewart is proud to represent Joel Dykstra (ND-Senate).

Our Newest Client: Dr. Marion Thorpe (FL-23)

Martin-Stewart is proud to represent Dr. Marion Thorpe (FL-23). An African-American and medial professional, Dr. Thorpe is a uniquely qualified conservative. He can expand our party. His expertise and vision counteracts the socialized medical movement.