Friday, October 24, 2008

Rick Morris Discusses Jeff Beatty, Tom McClintock

From the FDH Lounge:

With less than a month to go before a very consequential election, outrages are piling up everywhere you look. Here's a glimpse at some of the garbage on the fall landscape.

Did you ever think that anyone could defile the good name of Charlie Brown? Well, some joker running for Congress in California with the same name as the beloved Peanuts character is doing his best, by lending support to an anti-war rally where an American solider was hung in effigy and bragged about committing acts during his military career that should have led to a court martial. Additionally, he is so much in favor of gay marriage that he is opposed to heterosexual spouses being referred to as "husband" and "wife" on state forms because it is "discriminatory." I hope that if this Charlie Brown has a Lucy in his life that she throws that football right at his nards at close range.

John Kerry, who's made more than a hobby out of smearing the US military since his return from Vietnam decades ago, is now making a point out of sneering at his opponent, who was injured serving in Grenada. Hmmmm ... jealously of somebody with LEGIT wartime injuries?

“Joel Dykstra: Grade A Republican”

Theodore’s World highlights Joel Dykstra.

I am posting this for those that are able to support Joel Dykstra in their area and if you know anyone that lives in his area as well you can send them this post.

This Presidential election will take our country forward and keeping America the best it has always been or down a road of total socialism and worse.

All the races in this election are important and we need to try to get as many Republicans as we can elected to get back the majority in the Houses. Joel is a conservative and that makes him in my opinion the Grade A Republican we need. I have posted about others running in other States that we need to keep an eye on as well and pray they win for their State and for America.

SMB Contrasts Hastings, Thorpe

Six Meat Buffet showcases Marion Thorpe.

Remember Alcee Hastings? The quintessential Democrat who was first known for this:

“in 1979, Alcee Hastings was appointed a federal judge for the Southern District of Florida by President Jimmy Carter. Two years later, Hastings was indicted on charges of conspiring to solicit a bribe from two defendants awaiting sentencing in his court.”

Pelosi’s “most ethical congress ever” helped bring Hasting back to the spotlight:

“Later in 1992, Hastings was elected to Congress in Florida’s Twenty-Third Congressional District. In 2006, after being reelected for the seventh time, Hastings was considered to chair the House Intelligence Committee in the 110th Congress. Facing pressure as a result of Hastings’ troubled past, Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) ultimately declined to give Hastings the job, choosing Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas) instead.”

“Oh, that Hastings,” you ask? Doesn’t seem familiar. Well here’s one more recent memory-jogger:

“If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention,” Hastings said, according to reports. “Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through.”

Ever the moral beacon, eh? So why the trip down the sewer-pipe? Here’s why:

Dr. Thorpe is a community leader and finds himself in a rare seat that the GOP can realistically pick up (The district, while heavily Democratic and currently being served by Democratic Representative Alcee Hastings for 16 years , has a very low voter turn out. Recent migration of large numbers of Republican seniors to the district also bodes well). More importantly, Thorpe is one candidate who can greatly enhance the Republican image. You see, safe districts breed the worst sort of politician (see also, Murtha, John; Richardson, Laura; Pelosi, Nancy, etc.)

I’d like to introduce you to the challenger: Dr. Marion Thorpe. Please consider throwing a few bucks his way. He is conservative, the former Chief Medical Officer of the State of Florida, oh and did I mention he’s black?

I know, I know that was a cheap shot. It won’t keep us for supporting him, but it might be off putting to Democrats who are too racist to vote for a person of color who doesn’t think like them.

Political Pistachio Spotlights Project Promise

From Political Pistachio:

Project Promise Soldier is a new non-profit dedicated to helping soldiers. The group is simple in mission and broad in scope. Project Promise recognizes that there is an unspoken promise we, as citizens, make to care for our veterans and their families. Project Promise’s mission is to be part of the network of organizations that care for our wounded soldiers; to give something back to those who serve and protect our country and our citizens and to keep that unspoken promise. You can read about how Project Promise came to be by checking out our About the Charity and our Origins pages.

The idea that we make a promise to care for our soldiers is something my mother taught me in every day little ways. Every year we went to Veteran’s and Memorial Day parades. We bought poppies. My mother would remind my sister and I, when we forgot, to thank soldiers for their service. For me, respect for and being grateful to, those that serve and protect our country is one of those lessons I carry with me and try to pass down to my children.

When I was given the opportunity to help out the founders of Project Promise, I jumped at it. Over the next few weeks we’ll be asking folks to submit essays and posts, link to us, drive traffic to our site and to donate to Project Promise. But for now, I just wanted to say, “Welcome.”

Thursday, October 23, 2008

“Change is Coming. His Name is Joel Dykstra.”

Genuine GOP Mom spotlights Joel Dykstra.

One of the themes Sarah Palin continually touches on in her speeches, interviews and in the debate is that voters have a clear choice in this election. It is not only in the presidential election where voters have distinctly different candidates to choose from, though. In a great many of the federal races across the country, voters will be able to choose between a truly capable reform candidate and a candidate who has played an integral role in enacting the policies that have placed America in dire straits economically. I recently brought your attention to one such race in California. Another is the U.S. Senate race in South Dakota where Tim Johnson, a member of the Senate banking committee, faces a formidable challenge from business ace Joel Dykstra.

Dykstra’s expertise on business matters which stands in direct opposition to the incompetence shown by the Senate banking committee where Johnson and others preside is just one of many areas of contrast between the two candidates. Joel Dykstra, for instance, is one of a few candidates across the country who has a special page set aside on his website announcing his support for the right to life. On the other hand Johnson, like so many liberal elitists in Washington, claims to support women’s rights but believes strongly that women collectively will (get this) never be empowered unless they can abort their children. Johnson believes this so strongly that he is willing to use your money to pay for those abortions, even voting to use taxpayer funds to support Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America (Vitter Amendment -- S.AMDT.3330). And they call liberals “progressive”? I call it barbaric, not to mention unfair to taxpayers who are repulsed by abortion. It is becoming ever more clear to an enlightened electorate as working moms become increasingly powerful in America that this backward thinking is fundamentally unfair to women. One has only to look to Sarah Palin, the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate, to know that abortion is not what empowers women. Opportunities for life empower women. Wake up, Mr. Johnson. Change is coming. His name is Joel Dykstra, a candidate who is solidly against the use of taxpayer dollars for abortion and who recognizes that abortion is not what empowers women. Opportunities do. (Hear from Mrs. Dykstra here.)

Dykstra’s firm grasp on issues relating to fiscal responsibility are sorely needed in Washington today, but if the pressing issues in the world of economics are not enough reason for South Dakota voters to boot out Johnson, there are many more reasons besides. Dykstra is calling for a health care system that is sustainable, an energy plan that will increase domestic resource production, and more competition in the area of education. These are common sense approaches. Democrats have a lot going for them in the way of good intentions, but it takes more than good intentions to build prosperity. Folks like Joel Dykstra will bring both common sense and good will back to government.

Next Right Discusses Proposition 8

From Next Right:

A 4th congressional district resident from Roseville, Karen England is the campaign director for Yes on Proposition 8. This voter-supported campaign committee is dedicated to educating voters about the issue of marriage. Karen issued the following statement regarding 4th congressional candidate Charlie Brown's opposition to Proposition 8:

"For California families, there is no other political issue this election as important as saving marriage. That's why it is imperative that voters support only candidates who respect traditional marriage. Charlie Brown's astonishing opposition to Proposition 8 reveals just how out of touch he is with citizens in the 4th congressional district-and the overwhelming majority of Californians and Americans.

"After evading the issue for months, Mr. Brown finally declared that he does not support Proposition 8. This means that Mr. Brown supports four activist judges overturning Proposition 22, and imposing their social agenda on Californians.

"Not only am I working to pass Proposition 8, I'm a resident of the 4th congressional district. I know my fellow voters in this district-they're my neighbors and friends. In his opposition to Proposition 8, Mr. Brown sides with radical liberals who certainly don't represent the values of our community.

"Given his outright opposition to the most essential issue to families-the definition of marriage-Mr. Brown is not the candidate voters in support of marriage will ever support."

To learn more about this issue, visit To stop judicial activism and support traditional families, you need to back Tom McClintock in CA-04.

Red County Discussions Proposition 8

From Red County:

A 4th congressional district resident from Roseville, Karen England is the campaign director for Yes on Proposition 8. This voter-supported campaign committee is dedicated to educating voters about the issue of marriage. Karen issued the following statement regarding 4th congressional candidate Charlie Brown's opposition to Proposition 8:

"For California families, there is no other political issue this election as important as saving marriage. That's why it is imperative that voters support only candidates who respect traditional marriage. Charlie Brown's astonishing opposition to Proposition 8 reveals just how out of touch he is with citizens in the 4th congressional district-and the overwhelming majority of Californians and Americans.

"After evading the issue for months, Mr. Brown finally declared that he does not support Proposition 8. This means that Mr. Brown supports four activist judges overturning Proposition 22, and imposing their social agenda on Californians.

"Not only am I working to pass Proposition 8, I'm a resident of the 4th congressional district. I know my fellow voters in this district-they're my neighbors and friends. In his opposition to Proposition 8, Mr. Brown sides with radical liberals who certainly don't represent the values of our community.

"Given his outright opposition to the most essential issue to families-the definition of marriage-Mr. Brown is not the candidate voters in support of marriage will ever support."

To learn more about this issue, visit To stop judicial activism and support traditional families, you need to back Tom McClintock in CA-04.

John Hawkins: Support Tom McClintock

From Right Wing News:

One of my favorite candidates that we're supporting through Rightblogs is Tom McLintock. Watch this ad about Charlie Brown and I think you may be inspired to chip in a few bucks.

WMD Spotlights “Kilroy Socialism Video”

Weapons of Mass Discussion asks the relevant question.

This video features Ohio Congressional Candidate Mary Jo Kilroy (D-15th District vs. R-Steve Stivers) attending a meeting with a socialist professor, who refers to America as a "beast."

It should be noted that Mary Jo Kilroy called Steve Stivers a liar when this accusation was first made... Who's the liar now, Mary Jo?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Right Blogs Announces Endorsements

Conservative coalition endorses Tom McClintock and Steve Stivers.

As many regular readers of RWN already know, in 2006 I organized a group of conservative bloggers to raise money for the GOP. Well, this year we've got another group of bloggers together.

Ace of Spades HQ, Atlas Shrugs, Conservatives With Attitude, Gateway Pundit, Moonbattery, PoliPundit, Power Line, Redstate, Right Wing News, & Wizbang! have all joined up to help raise money for worthy candidates in the last month of the campaign. Now, let me tell you a little bit about the slate of candidates we picked.

They're all non-incumbents in competitive races who were unanimously approved by every blogger endorsing the list. All of our candidates are in the House because the amount of money we're going to raise can make a bigger difference in those races. I would also add that you'll find this batch of candidates to be very fiscally conservative, pro-life, and tough on illegal immigration. In other words, these are exactly the sort of candidates we're going to desperately need in Congress next year.

Tom McClintock (CA-04): McClintock is a rising star in the GOP and is the only candidate who is endorsed both by Tom Tancredo's Team America PAC and the Club for Growth. Normally, McClintock would need little help in this strong GOP district, but he's facing a tough opponent and the sitting Republican Congressman, John Doolittle, became enmeshed in the Jack Abramoff scandal and is retiring from politics. Replacing Doolittle with a man like McClintock would be a huge improvement for conservatives.

Steve Stivers (OH-15): Stivers is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Ohio Army National Guard who received a bronze star and has campaigned on balancing the budget. He's trying to retain a Republican seat held by Deborah Pryce, who's retiring.

Marion Thorpe Garners Endorsement

From Weapons of Mass Discussion:

Thorpe For Congress campaign announces the 2008 National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors Endorsement of Dr. Marion D. Thorpe, Jr. for U.S. Congressional District 23 in Florida.

The Board of Directors of the political arm of the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors has voted to endorse Dr. Marion D. Thorpe, Jr. for the office of United States Representative of Florida's 23rd Congressional District. The election will be held on November 4, 2008.

The National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors is a Washington, DC based trade association that represents the wholesale distribution industry. Dr. Thorpe states, "I am honored by the support and endorsement of this organization because they embody the principles of sound business practice while simultaneously promoting the attainment of the American Dream." Thorpe was selected for endorsement because he is firmly committed to providing pro-business representation in Congress.

Dr. Marion D. Thorpe, Jr. pledges to implement a sustainable pro-business, pro-entrepreneur atmosphere throughout Florida's 23 U.S. Congressional District (CD 23). Recent U.S. Census data reports indicate that people who live in CD 23 are presently twice as likely to be unemployed as compared to national statistics; thus, the creation of jobs is greatly needed throughout CD 23. Dr. Thorpe has established a Financial Literacy curriculum for our youth and cemented wide-ranging business and entrepreneurial relationships for the purpose of creating "A New Day, A New Way!" for the people of U.S. Congressional District 23 in Florida. You can learn more about the Thorpe For Congress platform by visiting the campaign website.

The National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors encompasses over 100 national line-of-trade associations, representing virtually all products that move to market via wholesaler-distributors; Approximately 30 regional, state, and local wholesale distribution associations; Approximately 40,000 wholesale distribution companies; and 85,000 wholesale distribution company personnel.

Mary Jo Kilroy’s Sentimental Socialism Sabbatical

Joel Dykstra Television