Genuine GOP Mom spotlights Tom McClintock.
When a friend sent me a link to this video recently, a quote from Sir Winston Churchill came to mind. Churchill famously said, “"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." The video shows former Air Force officer and Congressional candidate Charlie Brown of California in attendance at an anti-war rally where American uniforms were hung in effigy. Despite witnesses who saw him there supporting the organizers, Brown continues to deny it. We have the video, though, and there he is, feeding the proverbial crocodile, in uniform no less. Shameful.
Dear readers, in Charlie Brown’s attempted manipulation of public sentiment on the war in Iraq we see the consummate politician, a man who leans with his convictions when it polls well and hides in the shadows when it doesn’t. Brown has military experience himself which tends to play well among conservatives, but in recent years he has found a friend in Cindy Sheehan and other radical anti-war activists, presumably because it has been politically expedient at times for him to associate with them. Again, it is shameful. Our men and women in uniform deserve better.
Fortunately for northern California, there is an alternative in the race, a gentleman who has the determination and guts to stand on his convictions in the light of day. Tom McClintock, the conservative Republican candidate for California’s fourth congressional district, stands to do well in a district that traditionally embraces the conservative ideals of streamlined and efficient government, common sense immigration policies and a clear sense of what it takes to keep America secure during these dangerous times. I predict that northern California will reject Brown, the preferred candidate of groups like Code Pink, in favor of Tom McClintock, a promoter of Reagan’s ideal of “peace through strength”. I hold out great hope that voters in this election cycle nationwide are too keen to fall for political evasions, half-truths and even outright lies. I am confident that the voters of California’s fourth congressional district are no exception.