Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tom McClintock vs. “Obama Photocopy”

From Six Meat Buffet:

Here is another Six Meat Buffet appeal for a tight race that deserves your attention.

Tom McClintock is running for office representing California’s 4th Congressional District.

McClintock’s positions speak for themselves as he has been in the California Senate.

Here are a couple of noteworthy votes:

No: California State Budget

McClintock’s statement

No: Ban on Holding Pets While Driving [gotta love the CA nanny state, eh? -cranky]

1) Existing law prohibits a person from driving a motor vehicle while transporting an animal in the back of the vehicle in a space intended for a load on the vehicle on a highway, unless specified conditions are met, with exceptions related to livestock, ranching, and farming.

Under existing law, a violation of the Vehicle Code is an infraction, unless otherwise provided.

This bill would, on and after July 1, 2009, prohibit a person from driving a motor vehicle while holding a live animal in his or her arm or arms, or upon his or her lap. Because this bill would create a new crime, it would impose a state-mandated local program.

Let’s focus on his opponent, Obama photocopy, Charlie Brown (no, really, that’s his name): Ask him a question on gay marriage, and chances are that all you’ll get is some kind of reference to his time in the Air Force. Listen to what he says one week, and you’ll probably get something entirely different the next. Try to grasp his commentary on the Constitution, and you’ll simply cringe. Instead of taking a strong stand, Charlie would rather talk about his campaign motto, “Patriotism before partisanship.”

Barack Obama has the same strategy for getting into office: issue vague statements on patriotism that make people feel good, and try to hide just how liberal you really are. Maybe afraid that people would see the similarities, Brown only officially endorsed Obama after the McClintock campaign produced a photo of him wearing an Obama sticker at an event. Wishy-washy Charlie Brown… trying to have it both ways.

Charlie Brown supports gay marriage, seeks amnesty for illegal aliens, opposes any new drilling for oil in American territory, believes global warming is a national security threat, and has been a consistent part of the radical anti-war movement. But Charlie is so afraid of the issues, it takes work to find out just what he believes beyond campaign slogans and character attacks.

He is being outspent with help from the DNC:

Republican Tom McClintock has raised and spent more money in the 4th Congressional District race with Charlie Brown. But as the contest enters its stretch run, Brown has more cash — and is being helped by an independent advertising blitz by the national Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Brown, who has raised $1.8 million for the race, reported having $456,834 in cash — and $41,000 in unpaid campaign charges - at the start of October. McClintock, who has raised $2.5 million, had $94,215 in cash left — with $85,528 in campaign debt.

“Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee just spent at least $200,000 in TV ads to try and win this election for Charlie Brown,” McClintock said in a statement. “While Charlie has the ‘who’s who’ of the American Left at his disposal and now the vast resources of the Pelosi machine spent on his behalf, I have to rely on you and people like you who will not give up this country to the Left without a fight.”

Federal campaign reports show that the DCCC also has spent more than $16,000 for anti-McClintock mailers in the district. To our six readers in the Placerville area, please vote for McClintock. We need him. The rest of you, please consider throwing two bucks into the hopper.