Genuine GOP Mom spotlights Joel Dykstra.
One of the themes Sarah Palin continually touches on in her speeches, interviews and in the debate is that voters have a clear choice in this election. It is not only in the presidential election where voters have distinctly different candidates to choose from, though. In a great many of the federal races across the country, voters will be able to choose between a truly capable reform candidate and a candidate who has played an integral role in enacting the policies that have placed America in dire straits economically. I recently brought your attention to one such race in California. Another is the U.S. Senate race in South Dakota where Tim Johnson, a member of the Senate banking committee, faces a formidable challenge from business ace Joel Dykstra.
Dykstra’s expertise on business matters which stands in direct opposition to the incompetence shown by the Senate banking committee where Johnson and others preside is just one of many areas of contrast between the two candidates. Joel Dykstra, for instance, is one of a few candidates across the country who has a special page set aside on his website announcing his support for the right to life. On the other hand Johnson, like so many liberal elitists in Washington, claims to support women’s rights but believes strongly that women collectively will (get this) never be empowered unless they can abort their children. Johnson believes this so strongly that he is willing to use your money to pay for those abortions, even voting to use taxpayer funds to support Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America (Vitter Amendment -- S.AMDT.3330). And they call liberals “progressive”? I call it barbaric, not to mention unfair to taxpayers who are repulsed by abortion. It is becoming ever more clear to an enlightened electorate as working moms become increasingly powerful in America that this backward thinking is fundamentally unfair to women. One has only to look to Sarah Palin, the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate, to know that abortion is not what empowers women. Opportunities for life empower women. Wake up, Mr. Johnson. Change is coming. His name is Joel Dykstra, a candidate who is solidly against the use of taxpayer dollars for abortion and who recognizes that abortion is not what empowers women. Opportunities do. (Hear from Mrs. Dykstra here.)
Dykstra’s firm grasp on issues relating to fiscal responsibility are sorely needed in Washington today, but if the pressing issues in the world of economics are not enough reason for South Dakota voters to boot out Johnson, there are many more reasons besides. Dykstra is calling for a health care system that is sustainable, an energy plan that will increase domestic resource production, and more competition in the area of education. These are common sense approaches. Democrats have a lot going for them in the way of good intentions, but it takes more than good intentions to build prosperity. Folks like Joel Dykstra will bring both common sense and good will back to government.