Thursday, October 23, 2008

Next Right Discusses Proposition 8

From Next Right:

A 4th congressional district resident from Roseville, Karen England is the campaign director for Yes on Proposition 8. This voter-supported campaign committee is dedicated to educating voters about the issue of marriage. Karen issued the following statement regarding 4th congressional candidate Charlie Brown's opposition to Proposition 8:

"For California families, there is no other political issue this election as important as saving marriage. That's why it is imperative that voters support only candidates who respect traditional marriage. Charlie Brown's astonishing opposition to Proposition 8 reveals just how out of touch he is with citizens in the 4th congressional district-and the overwhelming majority of Californians and Americans.

"After evading the issue for months, Mr. Brown finally declared that he does not support Proposition 8. This means that Mr. Brown supports four activist judges overturning Proposition 22, and imposing their social agenda on Californians.

"Not only am I working to pass Proposition 8, I'm a resident of the 4th congressional district. I know my fellow voters in this district-they're my neighbors and friends. In his opposition to Proposition 8, Mr. Brown sides with radical liberals who certainly don't represent the values of our community.

"Given his outright opposition to the most essential issue to families-the definition of marriage-Mr. Brown is not the candidate voters in support of marriage will ever support."

To learn more about this issue, visit To stop judicial activism and support traditional families, you need to back Tom McClintock in CA-04.