Six Meat Buffet showcases Marion Thorpe.
Remember Alcee Hastings? The quintessential Democrat who was first known for this:
“in 1979, Alcee Hastings was appointed a federal judge for the Southern District of Florida by President Jimmy Carter. Two years later, Hastings was indicted on charges of conspiring to solicit a bribe from two defendants awaiting sentencing in his court.”
Pelosi’s “most ethical congress ever” helped bring Hasting back to the spotlight:
“Later in 1992, Hastings was elected to Congress in Florida’s Twenty-Third Congressional District. In 2006, after being reelected for the seventh time, Hastings was considered to chair the House Intelligence Committee in the 110th Congress. Facing pressure as a result of Hastings’ troubled past, Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) ultimately declined to give Hastings the job, choosing Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas) instead.”
“Oh, that Hastings,” you ask? Doesn’t seem familiar. Well here’s one more recent memory-jogger:
“If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention,” Hastings said, according to reports. “Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through.”
Ever the moral beacon, eh? So why the trip down the sewer-pipe? Here’s why:
Dr. Thorpe is a community leader and finds himself in a rare seat that the GOP can realistically pick up (The district, while heavily Democratic and currently being served by Democratic Representative Alcee Hastings for 16 years , has a very low voter turn out. Recent migration of large numbers of Republican seniors to the district also bodes well). More importantly, Thorpe is one candidate who can greatly enhance the Republican image. You see, safe districts breed the worst sort of politician (see also, Murtha, John; Richardson, Laura; Pelosi, Nancy, etc.)
I’d like to introduce you to the challenger: Dr. Marion Thorpe. Please consider throwing a few bucks his way. He is conservative, the former Chief Medical Officer of the State of Florida, oh and did I mention he’s black?
I know, I know that was a cheap shot. It won’t keep us for supporting him, but it might be off putting to Democrats who are too racist to vote for a person of color who doesn’t think like them.