Friday, October 31, 2008

Boston Maggie Endorses Martin-Stewart

From Boston Maggie:

I tried to listen to a lecture through WGBH and the Cambridge Forum. It was given by Frances Moore Lappe: Getting a Grip on Democracy but I couldn't concentrate. (drugs.brain.eating.) I'll get to it. I miss going to lectures. But I don't have the energy to haul my steroid puffed ass there. Plus if I did, how embarrassing would it be to fall asleep??

I have a lot of stuff to blog.

I want to explain more about why you should vote with me for –

John McCain for Commander in Chief.....and that's really the important part.

Jeff Beatty for the US Senate from Massachusetts

Joel Dykstra for Senator from South Dakota (I already have one post up about him)

Tom McClintock for Congress from California's 4th district (this post is actually almost done, lol, thank Heaven!)

Steve Stivers for Congress from Ohio's 15th district.

Marion Thorpe for Congress from Florida's 23rd district.