Sunday, October 26, 2008

Matt Margolis Discusses McClintock vs. Brown

From Blogs For Victory:

Tom McClintock is running for Congress in California’s 4th Congressional district. His opponent, Democrat Charlie Brown, has recently been exposed with videotape evidence to have attended a Code Pink anti-war rally, while in uniform, when a U.S. soldier was hung in effigy.

New video emerged today ending years of controversy over whether or not Charlie Brown attended an anti-war protest dressed in a military uniform. The video clearly shows Brown standing with anti-war demonstrators in front of a home where a soldier had been hanged in effigy.

Deborah Johns, mother of a Marine who served three tours of duty in Iraq, saw Charlie Brown that night (February 15, 2005). Brown’s campaign told Politicker that, “Brown attended the rally in a camouflage jacket and spoke with people on both sides of the rally before leaving.”

“Deborah Johns said she saw Brown clearly on the side of the anti-war protestors,” said McClintock for Congress Spokesman Bill George. “People supporting the troops were on one side of the street and anti-war demonstrators were on the opposite side of the street. Charlie wants to be on both sides of every issue, but on this occasion at least he actually took a side. Unfortunately for Charlie it was the radical leftist side with people like Cindy Sheehan and Sean Penn.”