Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ron Paul Endorses Tom McClintock

From United Liberty:

Dear Friend:

You know that I don’t mince words and I don’t back down in fighting a federal government that has far exceeded the confines of our Constitution. I could use some help in the House, and that’s why I’m asking you to support my friend Tom McClintock.

You may remember when he stood up to the liberal Republican establishment in California and took on Arnold Schwarzenegger during the recall election in 2003. This guy will stand and fight, and we need him in the Congress. Tom has said that he expects our federal government to protect our borders and to preserve our individual freedoms as Americans. And beyond that, he wants it out of our pockets, away from our families and out of our faces. That’s my kind of candidate.

He’s facing the Daily Kos and DCCC fundraising machine, and he’ll need our financial help on his side.

Will you help Tom with your generous online contribution of $250, $100, $50 or even the legal maximum of $2,300? You can also send your donation directly to Tom at: McClintock for Congress, 1029 K Street Ste 44, Sacramento CA 95814.

You have stood with me as I campaigned for the Presidency to return our federal government to its proper role. Will you help me bring a reliable ally to Congress?
Many thanks for all you have done.

In Liberty,
Ron Paul