Sunday, October 26, 2008

“Men Like Steve Stivers Are Our Chance”

Theodore’s World showcases Steve Stivers.

With only 29 days left until the election, every day is an important one not only for the Presidential campaign but also for all the other ones going on across our country. As you know I have posted various campaigns happening. William Russell vs. John Murtha and othes and this is another one I would like to tell you about.

What is shocking in the various campaigns is how similar they ALL are, because all the Democrats running against the Republicans are socialists, communists,anti-American, have your pick from all or any of those things. But they all are against what America has stood for and they all want to change it to a socialist, communist country.

The Democrats have NO shame and are backed by a media that has no shame as well as they have all become blantant in their push for our country to dive into the pits of socialism/communism.

We have got to fight back!! That is why when we saw the video the other day I posted of Americans yelling out how fed up they were at several of the McCain/Palin rallies it is huge. It was wonderful and it is a step in the right direction.

Men like Steve Stivers are our chance to fight back and keep America from being run over by the likes of this socialists Obama brained commie like Kilory.